90 Second review: The Orphan of Zhao at The La Jolla PLayhouse

The best thought out things are posted after midnight, right?

Like many of my ideas I am going to jump into this without really thinking it through. I came up with what I thought was a great idea: immediately after I see a show I post a quick 90 second review of it from the theatre.  I'm still writing reviews but I thought this was a fun and more immediate way to convey my first impression of it.

So my premiere 90 second review is for THE ORPHAN OF ZHAO at the La Jolla Playhouse. My phone died at the theatre so you get me in my house - sorry for already failing. I'll try to do better next time.

I know I look amazing in that screen shot so don't be jealous.


Things I learned watching this - I say "amazing" too frequently, I talk with my hands alot, I'll try to silence the timerr even though wiithout it I'll go way over 90 seconds, and that my shirt of a classy R2D2 is as awesome as I think it is because it is a classy R2D2.

Let me know what you think about this idea and while I welcome feedback, please be gentle. After all, it was my first time!



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