How to support the arts after the Tony Awards? Support your local theatres

The Tony Awards – the high holiday of the theatrically minded has now passed, winners have been crowned and those who did not win get to use their impressive performance skills to either remain stoic or be as dramatic as they see fit.So while you are discussing the numbers performed on the show, what Robert De Niro may or may not have said, and looking at what shows you could potentially see, I recommend that you look to your regional and local theatres are well.The Tony Awards can give an overly strong impression that the only theatre, the BEST theatre in the country, is happening in this very small section on the island of Manhattan. After all, it is the only theatre award show with a national telecast so in many ways it is the only window into the rarefied world of theatre for most.But most of the shows that get there come from regional and local theatres that have been honing new works over the years.  As an audience member at a regional theatre you are supporting cast and crew, you’re helping theatres develop new works, and you help keep the theatre genre alive while supporting those that will boldly take it in new directions. By doing so, they are providing proving grounds for Broadway-bound showsSo while you’re in your Tony Award adrenaline high planning your ticket purchases and flights to NY, (personally I always sign up for tap classes while on this particular adrenaline high) consider also that the best next step to celebrate a national telecast celebrating the best of New York’s Broadway district, is to support your local regional theatres.Most Broadway theatres - unlike most of the regional theatres that are doing the legwork premiering and nurturing new works - are commercial theatres, and are therefore designed to make a profit. Most regional and local theatres are non-profit so support from a theatre lover like you to help them because tickets sales alone do not cover the expenses with running a theatre.So, buy those tickets to New York.  Then find your local regional theatres and buy some tickets from them as well --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know theatre can be expensive so here are a few things that may help:Discounts!Many theatre companies offer tickets at discounted prices for younger audiences. If you are a member of the military, a senior citizen, or a student with a valid ID, you may be eligible for discounts at individual theatre box offices!Use an App!Download one of the multiple apps that feature discount tickets, including Artstix, Goldstar, TodayTix.  There are a lot out there so do some research and see which ones you like and start going to more shows! Volunteer!Theatres need volunteers; whether those are ushers, or more production oriented staff many places offer tickets for people that volunteer to help the theatre.Be a social butterflyFollow your theaters on social media and join their mailing list if they have one. Be the first to know about ticket deals, special events, or when any first come first serve opportunities.  Also, it can be fun because lots of theatres show backstage peeks into how everything gets done!


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