FAMILIAR at The Old Globe

Sometimes it seems that even with the best laid plans, thepotential for drama is always there…lurking around the corner.  There is no event more ripe for family dramaor comedic interactions than a wedding; the stress of it all going well, theblending of new families, new traditions, and dealing with all those relatives.  FAMILIAR, a now playing at the Old Globethrough March 3rd, mines the comedy and the drama of the events and  tackles the subjects of family, heritage, clashingcultures, and those family secrets that inevitably come to light at the worstpossible times.

Marvelous (Cherene Snow) and Donald (Danny Johnson) are theparents of the bride Tendi (Zakiya Young). As the play opens Marvelous has everything running smoothly, as shechecks to make sure every detail is perfect, and lays out platters of food foreveryone to eat as the rehearsal dinner quickly approaches. 

(from left) Danny Johnson as Donald Chinyaramwira, Cherene Snow as Marvelous Chinyaramwira, Ramona Keller as Margaret Munyewa, Zakiya Young as Tendikayi, and Olivia Washington as Nyasha in Familiar  Photo by J.T. MacMillan

Younger daughter Nyasha (Olivia Washington) has justreturned from a trip to Zimbabwe and is full of excitement and pride for theheritage and ancestral homeland.  As sheexcitedly tries to tell her parents about her experiences, she questions herparents on their lack of connection to their place of birth and why they didn’tpass on the language and traditions to their daughters. 

Marvelous, a biochemist and Donald, a partner in a law firmhave worked hard for their life, careers, and home in America and have littletime for their aspiring singer-songwriter daughter’s inquiries.  Though Marvelous does have enough time tocompare her to Tendi who not only is getting married but is also a successfullawyer following in their Father’s footsteps and inquiring when Nyasha is goingto get a real job.

Marvelous’s sister Margaret (Ramona Keller) is there and sheis happy to talk about Zimbabwe and encourage Nyasha in her musical pursuits.  She may have an advanced degree but thatdoesn’t shield her from some cutting remarks from her sister, though the glassof red wine in her hand seems to help.

(from left) Lucas Hall as Chris, Cherene Snow as Marvelous Chinyaramwira, Anthony Comis as Brad, and Wandachristine as Anne in FamiliarPhoto by J.T. MacMillan

When fiancé Chris (Lucas Hall) arrives everything seems tobe going as planned until the surprise arrival of Marvelous’s older sister Anne(Wandachristine) arrives. To honor the Bride’s heritage, Tendi and Chris haveinvited Anne all the way from Zimbabwe to perform a traditional “bride price”ceremony.  

This surprise visitor and ceremony doesn’t sit well with Marvelous- “You want this little white boy fromMinnetonka to bring us some cows?” she asks Anne incredulously.

As the entire family debates whether or not to participate,long buried information starts to come to light and it’s clear that by the endof this exchange this family will have changed in more ways than one of them gettinga new last name.

Snow is regal and commanding as Marvelous, who though mayhave a tough exterior proves she has a softer side that has guided herdecisions since coming to America. Johnsons is an affable Donald, a loving Father and husband, if seeminglynon-confrontational for a successful lawyer.

Young and Hall are excellent as the soon to be newlywedsdealing with a lot of new information, and Washington brings vibrancy asNyasha.  Keller is brings warmth as Margaretand Wandachristine brings the fireworks as Anne, a character as outspoken andbrash as Marvelous is elegant and restrained.

The confrontations grow in weight as the pay goes along, butplay is lightened considerably by the strong comedy current that is woventhroughout.  This comedic element is heightenedeven more when Chris has to call in his brother Brad (Anthony Comis) to comeand help represent him in the ceremony to follow tradition.

Written by actress and award winning writer Danai Gurira,the play looks at cultural identity and differences, how the familiar cansuddenly seem so different, and how all of that can be found within generationsof the same family. 

With sharp and engaging dialogue and tight direction fromEdward Torres this play builds to a climatic revelation. The tone of the firstact does seem to take a hard turn into the more serious second act, withreveals that border on melodramatic. But the complex characters and the cleverdialogue keep the play moving even as it ventures into more dramatic territory.

Scenic design by Walt Spangler is a handsome two story homeby; one filled with a comfortable recliner, an overstuffed couch, and isfamiliar enough to recognize as the home of people who are succeeding at livingthe American Dream.

As Shakespeare once wrote, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” FAMILIAR proves thatthough getting to the altar may not have the smoothest path for this particularcouple, but it certainly is the more thought provoking and entertaining onenone the less.

FAMILIAR is playing at The Old Globe through March 3rd,2019.  For ticket and showtimeinformation go to www.theoldglobe.org


AUBERGINE at San Diego Repertory Theatre
