THE PRODUCERS shine at Moonlight

Moonlight Amphitheatre opens its summer season with a laugh - actually with a lot of them with their production of THE PRODUCERS. This Mel Brooks show still has all of the zing, silliness, and more than flirts with political incorrectness and some uncouth humor.

Photo Credit: Ken Jacques

Based on the beloved movie of the same name, the musical follows the unprincipled Broadway producer Max BIalystock (Jamie Torcellini) and Leo Bloom (Larry Raben) the timid accountant that accidentally comes up with a plan make a fortune with a flop instead of a hit show. From there the hijinks escalate with a Franz Liebkind (Luke H. Jacobs) the Hitler and pigeon obsessed playwright, the cross dressing director Roger De Bris (Josh Adamson), one extra sexy secretary named Ula (Katie Barna), and countless little old ladies!

Photo Credit: Ken Jacques

Torcellini and Raben are in fine form as the Bialystock and Bloom, and they are supported by an excellent cast. Jacobs, Adamson, and Barana all shine in their roles. Max Cadillac is fantastic as Carmen Ghia, the assistant to the flamboyant De Bris and Geralyn Brault is very entertaining in a variety of roles.

Photo Credit: Ken Jacques

Brooks humor, and the shows roots in vaudevillian humor play on the broad stereotypes and uses them to puncture anything that might be given too much respect. In fact, the entire show builds to a song called "Springtime for Hitler", who's kitschy camp turns a satirical eye on the very person who used spectacle himself to try to get the respect her thought he deserved. All that said, this version of humor is specific and some people may feel that it is not appropriate for this more politically correct day and age.

THE PRODUCERS is a fun musical farce that is a fun night at the theatre under the stars!

THE PRODUCERS is playing through June 29th at the Moonlight Amphitheatre in Vista. For ticket information go to




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