TurnKey Theatre would like to invite you to its premiere production HOMECOMING: A MEDITATION ON THE NATURAL WORLD. This new theatre company that specializes in audio plays, written and cast with emerging artists, provides an at-home immersive theatre experience.


As an audio theatrical piece this show dependent upon the ability to immerse and engage the listener and their imagination into this world. TurnKey has approached this by making sure the voice cast, and the sound mixing on the audio is top-notch, and by mailing a box with some interactive pieces that help further draw the participant into the world.

HOMECOMING: A MEDITATION ON THE NATURAL WORLD, is aptly named as this show looks to explore the connection between the listener and the world around them, in both its ordinary and the extraordinary forms. It's a bit of conservation and climate change realness, the elements, mixed with the mythical, the astrological, and the centering of the listener.

Meditation is a perfect word for this show, it starts with asking the listener to use some techniques from meditation to set the stage (so to speak) for the arrival of the characters.

I don't want to give away any of the actual specifics but found the voice cast to be excellent, with performances and energy that feels true to their elemental natures.

The introduction to the event is Mother Earth (Katie Turner) who has a precise and soothing sound, but with a slight sound effect that gives the sends of disconnection that would come from someone who is omnipresent.

Ignis, represents fire (voiced by Gabriel Igtanloc) is lively, unpredictable, playful, and warm, with a hint of mischievous menace.

Ajror, represents air (voiced by Eric Clark) is steady and constant; all characteristics that are important to breathing. Though gentle, there is also underlying firmness to reminds us that air can also call forth unstoppable destruction.

Terra, represents earth (voiced by Larrissa Ryan) brings a grounding and maternal energy; calm, pliable, protective.

Omi, represents water (voiced by J'Arrian Wade) is soft, wary, and flows with a sound that is both as constant as the waves and as gentle as a stream.


The box of interactive props is included in the ticket fee. However, because Turnkey wants to be accessible they have suggestions for other options should that be required. Since this is a meditation on the world around us the box includes a specifically printed board, and the various accouterments needed. Each piece has a specific part to play, and the listener needs to use them as the audio instructs to get the full impact.

Written by Katie Turner and J'Arrian Wade, which they also directed and co-directed and produced, the show utilizes its time efficiently without feeling rushed. For some, it may feel like a theatre experience mixed with a guided meditation. In the end, you may feel entertained as well as relaxed and invigorated with a new focus on elemental connection.

HOMECOMING: A MEDITATION ON THE NATURAL WORLD is a creative and intriguing piece of audio theatre and an auspicious way to open a new theatre company.

For more information on how to access this show, as well as to have an interactive box sent to you to enhance the experience go to www.turnkeytheatre.com

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Photo Credit: TurmKey Theatre

Cast (In order of Appearance):

Mother Earth: Katie Turner

Ignis: Gabriel Igtanloc

Ajror: Eric Clark

Terra: Larrissa Ryan

Omi: J'Arrian Wade

Director: Katie Turner

Assistant Director: J'Arrian Wade

Producers: Katie Turner and J'Arrian Wade

Sound Designer: Andrew Gutierrez

Board Designer: Beau Gavin

Logo Design: Kay :De

Marketing: Critica Communications and the Turnkey Theatre team

Recorded at Studio Lively and personal residences in San Diego, CA




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