FREESTYLE LOVE SUPREME brings fast-paced, creative, and fun improv raps and songs to The Old Globe stage through July 10th.

Photo credit: The national touring production of FREESTYLE LOVE SUPREME at The Old Globe. (Joan Marcus)
Photo credit: The national touring production of FREESTYLE LOVE SUPREME at The Old Globe. (Joan Marcus)

This show is a completely improvised, freestyling hip hop experience from start to finish; featuring a revolving mix of MC's, musicians, and beatboxers who showcase their impressive abilities while creating a show from audience suggestions. The performers are so quick and have such versatile skills that the audience is really the wild card element in creating the show.

Opening night the cast included host Andrew "Jelly Donut" Bancroft, the MC rapper "Dizzy" Senze, Jay C, "Jellis J." Ellis who was a rapid-fire rapper, Morgan 'Hummingbird" Reilly who provided the soulful vocal runs, Mark "Mandible" Martin who is an internationally winning Beatboxer, with a special additional beatbox appearance by Kaila "Kaiser Rözé" Mullady Mullady who is a two-time world champion beatboxing champion. All of them are supported by equally talented musicians Victoria "Gigawatts" Theodore and James "Shifty Hills" Rushin on the keyboards.

As host, Bancroft helped the audience overcome any shyness and shout-out responses to song prompts. Ellis and Senze provided quick and witty raps, while Reilly could turn phrases like the audience supplied "seasoned croutons" into beautifully sung riffs. Martin provided the beatboxing for all of the songs, which are so good and consistent that you would be forgiven for thinking there might be someone backstage playing sound effects.

Photo credit: The national touring production of FREESTYLE LOVE SUPREME at The Old Globe. (Joan Marcus)
Photo credit: The national touring production of FREESTYLE LOVE SUPREME at The Old Globe. (Joan Marcus)

The alchemy of the changing cast and the new nightly audiences means that no show is the same. The opening request s simple, and they ask for a verb to act as the anchor for their first improv moment. Once the audience is more comfortable, it gradually escalates from things you love and hate to the more challenging full recap of an audience member's day. The performers also give examples of what not to provide, since some things seem to be more universal answers like things you can't live without "avocado," "pets," or something you hate like "inflation."

Between the music and energy, this show brings some frenetic freestyling fun on this improv rap roller coaster ride. The performances and the creativity may make you want to see it again and again because you are having as much fun in the audience as they seem to be having on stage.

How To Get tickets

FREESTYLE LOVE SUPREME is playing at The Old Globe through July 10th. For ticket and showtime information go to

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